It has been an intense summer and fall. We have had a variety of challenging circumstances. Writing in my journal helped me process these overwhelming times. I wrote out specific blessings and losses. It was helpful to see the blessings even amidst the losses.
For Thanksgiving, I gave myself permission to rest. I didn't cook, clean, set the table, wash any dishes, or pack up leftovers. I brought a gallon of apple cider to a family gathering at my sister and brother-in-law's house. It felt a little strange for me. I noticed that I focused more on thankfulness. Everyone there seemed to survive my slacking this year. I don't know yet if they noticed. We had a delicious meal to which family members contributed dishes. (I love my sister's practicality including paper plates.) We had good conversations and people had opportunities to share gratitude as well as losses. Some family members were not able to attend. It is a blessing to me that family members gave themselves permission to rest from some pressures, uncertainties, and stresses. Here is a recent painting I made using a different medium (acrylic) than my usual (watercolor). Not thinking of rest when I painted it, I can see it is peaceful and maybe restful. It is evidence of me letting go, changing it up, and having gentle expectations on myself and others. For Christmas I am a little foggy as to what I am doing. I am certainly not in any pushing gear. I am being gentle one day at a time. -Linda T. Hurd
LeTtiNg iT gO BLoG
Linda T. Hurd. Archives
December 2022