I tried to sketch my greyhound and she didn't stay still long enough for me to finish the sketch. Then I thought I'd try to sketch her in her new position, which soon became a third. I inked and painted the picture afterward and had to go from memory. I kept the paint simple. She is a brindle, which doesn't show in the painting. I have been illustrating the idea of change, and changing positions is another form of change. Life is full of change-- things/people change as they age, our positions change, our opinions also change on politics, beliefs, and standards. And we also change in our relationships. I hope to accept change in others and myself. I guess I hope change is for the better, but sometimes it is just different than it was before..
Here is a painting of the growing palm plant. I pruned it between now and the 10-years-ago painting entitled "singles bar" (posted 4/16/2016 "waiting"). I forgot about that. One limb was growing out sideways and getting in the way of walking traffic, so I cut it off. The plant seems to be thriving. I got it 29 years ago and have repotted it a couple of times. To paint it this week, I moved it to a new location. I think I will keep it there for now. If it wants more light, I suppose I will know soon enough. It is changing and growing and has endured some cuts--sounds like life to me.
I painted my neice and grand neice together on a front step. Were they distracted from doing something else? Or was this a good focus for that moment? I often have trouble knowing when I am distracted and when I am on task. Sometimes I am pulled away from what I am trying to do. Sometimes I get lost in indecision and frustration. I want to be conscientious of my time and energy. If I do the art, that is good. If I do moments of conversation and meaningful interaction, that is also good. I pray for good balance.
LeTtiNg iT gO BLoG
Linda T. Hurd. Archives
December 2022